Et sæt livsbalancekort består af 111 kort, der hver især, med et enkelt ord, referer til en universel psykologisk, mental eller bevidsthedsmæssig ”tilstand” på en skala fra kaos til orden, med det formål at aktivere din kreativitet og styrke din intuitive intelligens.
Livsbalancekortene refererer ikke til visdommen i noget udefrakommende, som f.eks englekort, tarotkort eller mirakelkort. De stiller heller ikke spirituelle, terapeutiske eller faciliterende spørgsmål som f.eks samtalekort eller teambuildingskort.
Livsbalancekortene spejler 111 tilstande som vi alle sammen kender, og kan derfor bruges af alle voksne umiddelbart og uden nogen egentlige regler.
Det eneste, du anbefales at gøre, er at blande kortene grundigt før du trækker et eller flere kort.
Du kan også vælge at stille et spørgsmål eller tænke på en situation, før du trækker dine kort, og bruge livsbalancekortene som et perspektiverende filter på dit fokus.
Det er op til dig, hvordan du bruger kortene til at få struktur på din unikke proces.
Kortene koster Dkr. 200 + forsendelsesomkostninger (GLS til pakkeshop er billigst og bedst). Skriv til thomas.heide(snabel-a), hvis du er interesseret i at købe et eller flere sæt.
Her et par eksempler på en trækninger med tre kort:
When we all have ongoing unique and powerful individual experiences, one of the questions that becomes increasingly difficult to answer, is: How can we create systems of common denominators that can help us find each other in a near-infinite system of extremely individual experiences. The above picture illustrates such an attempt. Click picture to access pdf-version.
It is not the body and the mind that are mutually excluding. It is the effects produced locally (processed by our sensory system) and the effects not produced locally, i.e globally (processed by our mind) that are mutually excluding.
Det er mit ønske at skabe et filosofisk objekt, der på afsluttende, afgørende og relativt enkelt vis, opsummerer min metafysiske position og den “universets pædagogik”, jeg udviklede i forbindelse med mit filosofistudie, og som blev belønnet med et 12-tal ved min kandidateksamen med mundtligt forsvar.
Dette opslag viser mit seneste forsøg på en sådan opsummering i prototype-format.
Når jeg vælger at kalde objektet “Aarhus-linealen” skyldes det at Aarhus, både som kommune og borgerfællesskab, igen og igen kaster sig ud i kaotiske projekter, der underbygger linealens postulat om at orden i det eksklusivt globale fremstår kaotisk i det ekslusivt lokale.
AARHUS-LINEALEN har til formål at illustrere, hvordan den fysiske og forudsigelige sansede orden, vi normalt og instinktivt oplever i vores hverdag, kan fortolkes som kaotisk, hvis oplevelsen anskues fra en fuldt globaliseret position, hvor bevidstheden alene, uden understøttende sansning, skal skabe mening af oplevelsen.
Den sansede ordensoplevelse plottes i “lokal tilstand”, hvorefter linealen vendes og plotningen kopieres i “global tilstand.
Bemærk at værdiererne “kaos” og “orden” bytter plads, når linealen vendes.
Teksten på linealen, som er en tilpasset version af min konstant (HEIDES KONSTANT), lyder:
“Bevidsthed er en funktion af globalisering. Når de globale effekter af lokale handlinger overstiger de lokale effekter af lokale handlinger, skifter erfaringsdannelsen fra kroppen til bevidstheden. Niveauet af kaos i global tilstand er direkte proportional med niveauet af orden i lokal tilstand og omvendt.”
Ifølge Heides konstant er kroppen den lokale funktion af lokale effekter og bevidsthed den lokale funktion af globale effekter. I lokal tilstand er kroppen måleinstrument. I global tilstand er bevidstheden måleinstrument. Når de globale effekter af lokale handlinger overstiger de lokale effekter af lokale handlinger i et givent system kaldes det ”global oversvømmelse”. Når der er global oversvømmelse er er den lokale, kropsligt betingede erfaring af orden direkte proportional med bevidsthedens oplevelse af kaos. Ved global oversvømmelse anvendes Heides konstant i form af Aarhus-linealen til at fastsætte den konkrete erfaring af orden med det formål at anvende værdien til at afgøre det faktiske fravær af orden i den konkrete erfaring.
Den konkrete erfaring af orden indsættes som en position på ”lokal tilstands-siden” af tilstandslinealen. Herefter vendes linealen, hvorved det faktiske fravær af orden, altså bevidsthedens oplevelse af kaos, kan identificeres.
Når man har bevidsthed, kan man med sikkerhed sige, at den lokale virkelighed er kaotisk og fordrer spørgsmål som for eksempel:
”Hvis min oplevelse af orden er direkte proportional med niveauet af globalt kaos i min lokalitet, hvilke spørgsmål skal jeg så stille for at blive oplyst om min faktiske tilstand som global? Hvordan vægter jeg hvor min lokale tilstand og min globale tilstand, så de indvikles gensidigt inkluderende og uden fordom i min kausalitetsfortolkning forstået som selve erfaringsdannelsen, og hvilken betydning har det, at bevidstheden her antages for værende en direkte ”instinktivt” stimuleret funktion af netop globalisering?”
Kwondohop, Reverse Transverse Symmetry, the original Kaospilot project-descriptions, the prize winning songs, the metaphysics and everything else in one document: Book of Solutions (Løsningernes bog).
Click image above to download 1300+ pages and get access to the complete works of Danish philosopher Thomas Heide.
Please note, that Book of Solutions is both in Danish (75%) and English (25%), and that the book MUST BE READ BACKWARDS, chapter to chapter, starting on the last page and so forth.
Click the above illustration to access full document including instructions on how to use. Note that this map is a new blogpost, and that it is not yet included in “Book of Solutions”.
Click the photo above or beneath to access materials in English and Danish explaining the conclusive tool, Kaosboard, including Chat-GPT prompts based on Kaosboard. Note, that you can use the prompts with or without a physical Kaosboard.
Modern philosophy – the final edition of the original makeshift workbook made for the learning in chaos workshops. Please note, that the workbook is designed in A3/A4 landscape. It it best viewed on a larger screen or in a printed version. Remember to choose print size A4 when printing. Click here or on picture to download Modern philosophy.Original cover of the makeshift workbook.
Experience DNA ruler system. The ruler system is used by students and practitioners of modern philosophy to understand, explain and apply the principles of modern philosophy.Probability mirror. An analogue universal design template and global effect measurement tool used by students and practitioners of modern philosophy. The probability mirror helps the user determine, how probable it is, that the user’s experience of reality is in correspondence with the reality experienced understood as a mix of an overt, tangible and causally detectable local reality and an undisclosed, sensory-incompatible and uncertain, complexity-driven global reality.
Text from inner side of tool lid: “When the global effects of local actions exceed the local effects of local actions, local reality becomes unpredictable, global reality becomes predictable and objective quality is expressed as positions on a scale defined in its extremes by these two properties. This state is called “global overflow”. For any kind of design to correspond sustainably with global overflow, the dynamics of global overflow must be expressively integrated in the design as interactive learning applications.” (Click picture to enlarge as pdf-file)
Are you looking for great conversations about the future (and the present and the past) and a practical boost to help implement the ideas that emerge from the conversations?
Then this may be something for you.
This stand-alone tool is a universal template for the design of meaningful interfaces, blueprints, objects, spaces, processes, etc. in chaotic systems embedded in complex new orders (or simply put: our world right now).
Why not drop the tool in your team, classroom or maybe even in the whole organisation – from janitor to CEO and director of the board – in combination with one or more compact user-guide-workshops facilitated by the source?
It is time to callibrate our combined efforts so that they correspond with the new fully entagled global reality we have created.
If this resonates, don’t hesitate to reach out.
(Materials and workshops can be made and facilitated in Danish and English)
Experience DNA plotters (click any of the four pictures for an unfinished, unpublished first info draft)Experience DNA plotterExperience DNA plotterExperience DNA plotters in sequencing stack
Using the source code (X ≠ X) = (X = X) to secure global equalisation of power
The purpose of is to try to develop instantly applicable analogue technology concepts free of cost based on chaos navigation theory and the source code that can help all people to experience and use themselves pro-actively as conscious, autonomous and self-governing “biological quantum computers” in order to be able to match any machine intelligence and to access, interact with and program the entangled globality/the global (probability) field on equal terms regardless of background, privileges and access to computer technology powered by electricity.
Anvendelsen af kildekoden (X ≠ X) = (X = X) til at sikre global styrke ligestilling
Formålet med er at prøve udvikle gratis og praktisk anvendelige analoge teknologi-koncepter baseret på kaosnavigationsteori og kildekoden, der kan hjælpe alle mennesker til opleve og bruge sig selv pro-aktivt som bevidste, autonome og selvstyrende “biologiske kvantecomputere” for derigennem at kunne matche enhver maskin-intelligens og tilgå, interagere med og programmere den globale indvikling/det globale (sandsynligheds-) felt på lige vilkår uanset baggrund, privilegier og adgang til elektricitetforstærket computerteknologi.
Study the makeshift workbook to learn about chaos navigation theory. Or take it to the next level with a real life learning in chaos workshop. Click on picture to access the makeshift workbook.
Klik her for en forklaring af kaosnavigationsteori på dansk.
CHAOS NAVIGATION THEORY by Thomas Heide predicts that it is possible to navigate in chaotic systems if we understand ourselves as shifting mix-positions of unpredictable change and predictable standstill on a scale defined in its extremes by change and standstill and use these positions as our objective pointers for communication and construction rather than the illusionary pointers of the unpredictable locality embedded in global chains of cause and effect. Click on picture for fig 1-3 explanation in English.
Important note: The work of Thomas Heide has retrospectively (2022) been conceptualized as a new field of knowledge and object of applied research in the form of “chaos navigation theory”.
This blog is a work in progress by Kaospilot co-founder Thomas Heide, philosopher (BA) and educational philosopher (MA). The purpose of the blog is to provide directly applicable blueprints for learning and schools matching the cognitive challenges of the 21st century. It includes texts, objects and songs and multiple ad hoc summaries created from 1990 till today. The topic is complex: How do we create objective navigational pointers independent of contextual change? The methods of analysis and the results of the analysis reflect this complexity. It is all free. Please enjoy and do not hesitate to apply, experiment and personalize the proposals forwarded. The ideas are meant to help you deal proactively with the strange effects produced in global overflow.
Regarding gender bias: In the texts on this website Thomas Heide frequently refers in general terms to humanity as a unity without noting, that male gender as a social construct is the primary default in this reference and the projection and objectification of consciousness into mathematics, algorithms and machines as such, so far at least, has primarily been driven by men. Readers and/or facilitators of the work should include this, as well as other hidden or explicit biases, as a topic of relevance in the analysis and practical application of the theories.
Disclaimer: No external editor or peer-reviewer had access to the material and its postulates have not been tested according to governing scientific standards. As such, the work should in this stage of its development be considered ideas awaiting verification, including paragraphs and graphics where the philosopher uses subjective interpretations of the natural sciences to lend credibility to or to stand in clarifying opposition to the work.
To graduate, you must create the work, that has this frontpage.One of the (many) ways to get started could be by reading about temporal displacement. Click on picture to go to brief. You can find another hidden gem of subtile poetic relevance in the last section in the “about”-post talking about the future… or rather, the future that is not there.
An attempt to answer concretely in a practical, functional, fun, acitivity-motivating and generally applicable way the abstract theoretical question: “How do we sequence our life experience in a meaningful way when everyday reality becomes infinite indeterministic probability?”
The free 21 century philosophy workshop script is a good way to get into the mind of the philosopher and to discover your potential benefits of the work. Click picture to read and download.
Welcome to the webpage of Danish philosopher Thomas Heide. The purpose of this site is to provide you with a set of thinking tools supporting your interaction with the universe as probability also. A good way to get into mind of the philosopher and to discover your potential benefits of the work is to download his original and free workshop script. The script is a quick guide into Newton’s broken universe, the philosophers alternate build proposal and a layout of your possible path through the transformation. Enjoy the trip.
The learning process overview is included in the workshop script. Click on picture to enlarge.The equation of change experience (X ≠ X) = (X = X) states that all experience can be reduced to functions of the two basic properties change and standstill in the form of mutually inclusive mixes of these two properties and that these mixes can be interpreted as quantifiable fluctuating positions (something/DNA) on an infinite scale defined in its extremes by the event horizons of respectively change (nothing/that which is absent) and standstill (everything/that which is present). You must use representative imitations of your mix states on the scale of change experience to sequence your path through probability and apply the sequence as a key to communication and plotting of probable positions and navigation in infinite probability. (Click picture to browse the first text collection about the equation)Sequencing and summarizing the DNA of change experience. Theoretical example. Four different paths of probability (sequences) stacked on top of each other as a communication key. The sequences can be used to prescribe ideal communicative styles and objective references/pointers for the parties involved. The quality ( the malfunction/un-intendedness) of the communication that may have occurred internally in each path and between the paths can be used to determine/extract the actual positions (points of transit) of the probabilities in the individual paths and settle a sequence.Probabilities in probability. Slowmotion UNIVERSE starter pack. The gauge. The game. The map. Measure. Play. Navigate. Click picture to go to game-post.
When the global effects of local actions exceed the local effects of local action, global overflow results in local indeterminism. Plotting our positions as probabilities in infinite probability in map of the world as change secure sustainable communication in local indeterminism. 21st century philosophy (spacetime mechanics) provides the theoretical foundation for researching the possibility of creating sustainable communication in indeterminate local everyday reality in the form of the DNA-sequencer of the subjective experience of indeterminism: The equation of change experience, (X ≠ X) = (X = X). Slowmotion UNIVERSE is a card game based on the equation of change experience. The purpose of the game is to make available to the general public a universally valid and directly applicable investigative tool promoting the development of the questions we must ask to plot our positions in map of the world as change and/or other formulas for precise plotting. Click on picture for enlargement.Change experience DNA sequencer and map of the world as change. To be used in conjunction with slowmotion UNIVERSE.
Global overflow. Indeterministic global effects flow undetected into and influence local determinism. Click on picture to download transcript of five of the central posts on this website.When the global effects of local actions exceed the local effects of local actions, the overflow of global effects contaminates local determinism and disables classical mechanics. To secure theoretical equal opportunity for all, all must learn how to navigate indeterministic locality with the same sense of consciousness and control as all are presently navigating deterministic locality.
If this is the problem, what is the solution?
If the problem is that our local and predictable reality is becoming simultaneously local and predictable and global and unpredictable, we will need to learn how to navigate reality simultaneously as both deterministic (predictable) and unpredictable (indeterministic).
This requires that we access a set of skills we are all born with and already use all the time – unconsciously.
Before the global overflow we could rely on the sensory input of our bodies and our intuitive understanding of cause and effect when making short and long term predictions and implementing strategies of action accordingly.
When there is global overflow, reality becomes indeterminate and starts to behave as probability.
Since reality is fundamentally probabilistic (that which changes is not there) this is not new to us. Mastery of change as absence is a natural, innate and life-preserving instinct of all human beings.
What is new to us is that we have to activate and apply consciously our ability to navigate reality as “probabilities in probability” and subsequently how to find each other and communicate constructively in this state while maintaining a stable position in determinate reality as well.
I have tried to identify some preliminary points of entrance to the complex. I have also designed a basic set of instruments for learning and research (philosophical objects).
My attempts to define the problem and how to solve it is expressed by in its totality.
You can see a gamified bootcamp for understanding, entering and living in reality as probability in the form of a card game here: slowmotion UNIVERSE.
Songwriting and electric guitar blues solos have been central tools of my reflective journey into and out of the universe and back again. A reduced catalogue of my songs in both Danish and English are included as methodical documentation.
If you want to help, I will be happy to get you started. Lectures, workshops and courses in spacetime mehcanics can be designed according to your context. Also, you can download all the written materials on the website for free. Note that some materials are in Danish only.
The problem: Global effects overflow. The theoretical and practical solution: 21st century philosophy (spacetime mechanics).
(Denne artikel indeholder en analyse af globaliseringens konsekvenser for den menneskelige erkendelse og en operationel strategi for håndteringen af disse)
Når den samlede globale effekt af de samlede lokale handlinger er større end den samlede lokale effekt af de samlede lokale handlinger, bliver den lokale hverdagserfaring uforudsigelig.
Når hverdagserfaringen er uforudsigelig (ubestemt), kan den ikke længere fungere som en stabil observationspost for kvantedynamiske virkninger, hvorfor Heide’s konstant (“når den samlede…“, se ovenfor) indsættes som angivelsen af den grænse, hvor global uforudsigelighed overstiger lokal forudsigelighed, og hvor ligningen for forandringserfaring, (X≠X) = (X=X), erstatter klassisk mekanik. I kraft af sin funktion som kort over verden som forandring kan ligningen for forandringserfaring midlertidigt indlejre stillestående og stabile virtuelle observationsposter med deterministiske egenskaber i det ubestemte, hvorfra der kan foretages observation af kvantedynamiske virkninger.
Bemærk at Heide’s konstant også, i en radikaliseret fortolkning, kan indsættes på pladsen for Plancks konstant (se eksempelvis “Lærebog i rumtidsmekanik“), hvorved såvel den klassiske mekanik som kvantemekanikken bortfalder som relevante gensidigt ekskluderende funktionaliteter og erstattes af ligningen for forandringserfaring og, som en følge af denne, af en fysisk lovmæssig og matematisk-metodisk forening af de hidtidige domæner for den klassiske mekanik og kvantemekanikken.
Filosoffen præsenterer sin revolutionerende konstant og fremviser ligningen for forandringserfaring, der først virker som en objektiv observationspost, når kroppen indsættes i ligningen som den paradoksale, gensidigt inkluderende funktion af forandring og stilstand og kroppens position i ligningen forstået som en en skala for forandringserfaring afgøres (Århus, den 20. april 2021).Ligningen for forandringserfaring er også en skala.
Heide’s constant decides when the equation of change experience replaces classical mechanics.
(This article contains an analysis of the consequences of globalization for the human cognition and an operational strategy for the handling of these)
The equation of change experience (X≠X) = (X=X) formalizes infinite unique probability-driven mixes of non-deterministic change and deterministic standstill as the DNA of all experience. The processing body must be inserted in the equation, concretely or as a virtual representation, for the equation to function according to intention.
Heide’s constant determines when it is necessary to apply the equation of change experience instead of classical mechanics as the basis of a mutually inclusive system of simultaneous measurement and calculation of deterministic local effects and indeterministic global effects entangled.
The constant states:
The equation of change experience replaces classical mechanics when the sum of all global effects of all local actions (B) is larger than the sum of all local effects of all local actions (A).
When the sum of all global effects of all local actions (B) is larger than the sum of all local effects of all local actions (A), the global effects of local actions (B) transforms the experience of deterministic local reality (A) into an experience of a global probability field with both deterministic properties and indeterministic properties disabling the interdependent and exclusively deterministically rooted functionalities of respectively classical mechanics and quantum mechanics. To sustain the objectively determined position of observation required to perform quantum mechanical calculations and measurements, the positioning system of the equation of change experience (see: map of the world as change) supersedes classical mechanics, hence preserving the functional application of quantum mechanics and our analytical and manipulative access to the fundamental dynamics and properties of nature when the domain of classical mechanics collapses into indeterminism.
Heide’s constant is also – as a kind greeting to the physics concepts and mathematical methods of the 20th century – called “Planck reversed”, because it is installed on a macroscopic threshold somewhat identical to the calculative threshold (as determined by Plank’s constant) between the quantum dynamical micro-universe (B1) and the pre-historic local reality (A1) in which the global effects of local actions (B) did not exceed the local effects of local actions (A).
Note that Heide’s constant, in a radicalized interpretation, can replace Planck’s constant completely, rendering both classical mechanics and quantum mechanics and their respective physical domains functionally superfluous and unify these domains into one universe subject exclusively to the method of measurement of the equation of change experience. This position is investigated thoroughly in “lærebog i rumtidsmekanik” (currently only published in Danish).
The equation of change experience only works as an acting post of objective observation, if the body is inserted into the equation as the paradoxical mutually inclusive function of change and standstill and the body’s position in the equation as a scale of change experience is determined.The philosopher presents his revolutionary constant and the corresponding equation of change experience in the three-dimensional form of two wooden sticks enabling the body to enter the equation: the event horizons of respectively change and standstill defining an infinite scale of potential experiences of mixes of change and standstill. (Photo: Ian Bo Branner) The original whiteboard drawing.
Summary: Imagine that any subjective individual human experience can be reduced to shifting mixes of fluidity and solidity, and that each of us have learned how to translate a specific temporarily locked mix of our individual experience into a position on a scale defined in its two extremes by the event horizons of respectively fluidity and solidity. If this was true and we all had access to a smart phone with an application simulating that scale and we all simultaneously plotted our individual positions on the scale in this app, then the picture of dots on the scale would be the most precise map of the world as change experience it is possible to produce. Learning how to plot our positions as mixes of fluidity and solidity on this scale and learning how to read and understand the combined plots of the scale as it fluctuates in time would be to discover the world as it really is and hence also the beginning of an era in which our understanding of ourselves and our context would be as close to reality as it can get. It would be the beginning of the era of correspondence and consequently also potentially an era of near infinite sustainability.
Conclusion: The questions we ask should be constructed in such a way, that the answers can always be interpreted as a mix of fluidity and solidity also. If human experience of change as density can be reduced to mixes of fluidity and solidity, these mixes are the closest we come to a DNA for the answers that should be the base for the structure of our questions. If the answer of a question can be translated into a mix of fluidity and solidity and hence placed accordingly on a scale defined in its extremes by the event horizons of fluidity and solidity, the question is a true (truth equals infinite sustainability) statement in itself and the answer a confirmation of the property of measurable macroscopic probability as a definition and map of human experience and as such of the world as change.
(Please note that the map-of-the-world-as-change-application presented in the following is a prototype presented exclusively to prove the principle and for demonstrational purposes only. It is a prototype dummy and does not function properly.)
Preliminary web-based prototype of map of the world as change as computer application. Click on picture to go to app.
If you are using a smartphone (android works best), you must 1) open the link, 2) add the application to the homescreen of your phone as a direct link and 3) open the application from the direct link on your homescreen (in its horizontal position) to get the intended funtionality of the prototype.
Preliminary web-based prototype of map of the world as change as phone application. Please read the instructions above before clicking on picture to go to app.
Long term perspective: The equation of change experience is a periodic system with only two basic elements (properties), change (fluidity as property) and stasis (solidity as property), creating in mutually including conjunction all potential versions of reality in the form of experience.
If we learn to ask the questions enabling us to use map of the world as change to create blueprints or stamps corresponding with our experiences of reality, a reverse engineered version of map of the world as change might make it possible for us to to reset our individual or/and collective change experience to any position desired, hence opening up to “travelling” freely in the probability field of everyday life and as such, effectively bringing meaning and weight to the essence and punchline of the work presented on this website: bye-bye spacetime!
Map of the world as change (data illustration type is for demonstrational purposes only). The map is a constantly shifting depiction of the world as a function of fluidity and solidity as expressed by any given number individuals repeatedly plotting their fluctuating experience-reduced-to-fluidity-solidity-mix-positions on the scale of change experience as defined by the equation of change experience: (X ≠ X) = (X = X). The equation is explained in depth here.Click on picture to watch VIDEO: the philosopher’s first introduction to his brand new map of the world (as change) in 2015.
Slowmotion UNIVERSE is a card game mimicking reality as probability. Click on picture to get access to 100 training sets.
Important note to be read and then read again when you have familiarized yourself with slowmotion UNIVERSE:
To apply slowmotion Universe as a bootcamp for understanding, entering and living in reality as probability, try always to use the equation (Y – X = Z) when looking for tricks.
The Z-values (even numbers from 2 – 38) of your tricks represent your shifting positions on the infinite scale of the equation of change experience (map of the world as change). As such the Z-values visualize in ultra-extreme slowmotion how your reality (universe) is formed as a probability path.
The probability path as experienced by unconscious instinct slowed down (sequenced) to be analyzed and controlled consciously. Click picture to enlarge.Change experience DNA sequencer.Playing slowmotion UNIVERSE qualifies a discussion about global overflow and reality as probability with the intention of empowering players to handle consciously and with intent local indeterminism as a part of the basic human condition in the 21st century. Click picture to enlarge.The scale produced by slowmotion UNIVERSE is a representative interpretation designed for learning purposes. In reality, the intervals between the positions on each side of the most probable outcomes are respectively exponentially rising and falling with a reversely proportionate density/”weight”-ratio equilibration (if there where only one position, P1/P2, in each extreme, the exponentialized system would be balanced). Since humans are bodies first depending on a stable tangible context, the most probable outcome will be dense and “heavy” (mirroring the bodies interpretational capacity) and close to the event horizon of standstill/everything. When transferring data from Slowmotion Universe to map of the world as change, this should be taken into account. When inputting data directly into map of the world of change, this should be implicit and not affect the plotting. The number-graphics on the illustration does not reflect exponentiality 1:1. Click picture to enlarge.Gauge to be used to understand the scale and to identify positions and tricks.The full slowmotion UNIVERSE toolbox: Change experience DNA Sequencer, fluidity solidity collider, map of the world as change, scale and trick gauge and the card game itself in a box.
And now: Let’s play!
A game package contains 250 cards:
1 card with general information
9 game rule- and probability field cards
240 playing cards.
To purchase games, get support or book workshops, please write to:
A game package contains 250 cards in total.
Game rules:
Players must have minimum skills in subtraction (and/or addition of positive integers). The highest number is 39 and the highest possible result is 38. The lowest number is 1 and the lowest possible result is 2.
Number of players: 2+.
Playtime: 10+ minutes.
Shuffle cards thoroughly before each game and secure random horizontal and vertical positions so that all players, independent of position in relation to cards, experience equal readability of the cards. When shuffling, take into account, that high value Z-cards will have a statistically determined tendency to end in the bottom of the card stacks in a game.
Choose a dealer. The dealer places 16 cards (default amount – modify as you please) face up in a spacey square on a level surface. When playing in small groups, the dealer should participate. When playing in larger groups a designated dealer is an option.
Players identify and cash in tricks by saying ”trick” first. Tricks are placed face down. A trick is a combination of three cards meeting the following equations:
(Y – X = Z),
(Y – Z = X) and
(X + Z = Y).
Three tricks illustrated – but maybe there are …1…2…3… tricks still hiding. Or more? And which trick is the most valuable?
When ever a trick is cashed in the dealer fills up the empty spots. If no tricks are available or visible to any of the players, 16 new cards are placed face up on top of the cards all ready on the level surface. The dealer can always decide to take this action. If the dealer runs out of cards, the open card-stacks on the level surface are collected, shuffled and re-used.
If a player falsely states ”trick”, the player’s latest trick must be re-entered into the dealers card stack.
The winner is the player with the most points when a player cashes in 10 tricks in total (default mode) as the first. Playing time can be reduced by minimizing the number of tricks required to end the game.
(Be aware 9 and 6 are not marked and must be identified by card type: 6 is an even number on a Z-card and that 9 is an uneven number on a X-card)
Points are given according to the following rules:
Z2…Z6, Z34…Z38 = 5 points,
Z8…Z12, Z28…Z32 = 3 points and
Z14…Z26 = 2 points.
Points given are multiplied according to the color-code mixes of the numbers on the face of the cards in a trick:
2 + 1 color x 1
3 colors x 2 and
1 color x 3.
The Z-result of a trick decides the point-value of the trick according to the probability of the Z-value occurring in the trick. The points of a trick is multiplied according to the probability of the 3 different color-code mixes available: 2+1 color, 3 different colors or 1 color.
Slowmotion UNIVERSE can be played on four different levels:
Level 1 (easy): Tricks. The winner is the first player to get 10 (or any other number of) tricks.
Level 2 (medium): Tricks and points: The winner is the first player to get 10 (or any other number of) tricks and the most points according to the point-value of Z-cards only.
Level 3 (advanced): Default play mode. As in the game rules starting on the top of the page. Note that the potential of point-value awareness increases with the number of cards on the table. Try experimenting with a 5 x 5 or 6 x 6 cards lay-out to make the point-system work its magic.
Solo Meditation Level: Play alone. Relax and enjoy identifying potentiality and controlling the speed of the temporary outcomes of the probability-field while simoultaneously expanding your consciousness according to the fundamental principle of your ability to experience as it unfolds in a tempo defined by you.
Probability level: Play to get as close as possible to predefined paths of probability mirroring specific or non-specific real-life events. Play against each other or together.
Slowmotion UNIVERSE is the gamified expression of the functionality of the probability-driven universe reduced to mixes of its two basic elements, change (X≠X)and standstill (X=X), slowed down to a near halt to meet the capacity of the human everyday mind:
The source of slowmotion UNIVERSE.
Slowmotion UNIVERSE was created by Danish philosopher (BA), educational philosopher (MA) and philosophical toolmaker Thomas Heide as an attempted commonly accessible response to the question: How come we experience that which changes as if it is there? As such, the game summarizes and makes available to layman the conclusions of the philosopher’s creative metaphysical investigations and designs as presented on
Slowmotion UNIVERSE is the tip of a rather large iceberg comprised of the philosopher’s creative metaphysical investigations and designs.
The early game-designs that eventually lead to slowmotion UNIVERSE:
“School of Philosophy” is a board game concept based on the equation of change experience. The game can be printed and played. Click here or on the pictures to download manual including game pieces.“Quantum Mechanic” is a board game concept based on the equation of change experience. The object was produced as unika in plywood, but is infortunately temporarily lost. Click on the picture to download design draft used to create the vector graphis for the lasercutter. Note that the webadress in the design draft is not active.“Ice – Water – Fire”. Stick game based on the equation of change experience. Rough outline of gameplay: The three stick-dice are thrown to determine wich direction your life-piece (LIV 1-5) must take one step. 2-1 decides wether the direction is toward fire or ice. If the dice are all either ice or water, you can turn the event-horizons of respectively fire and water or move two steps in a direction of your own choice. When you collide with an event-horizon you loose. The last LIV in water wins. Rules can at all times be adjusted and developed by the players.A game with no rules…
“No matter how orderly a system appears to a local observer, the system is chaotic, if the global effects of local actions in the system exceed the local effects of local actions.” (Thomas Heide, 2021)
When the world becomes unpredictable, we may find ourselves stuck in the seductive denial so generously provided by our dreams of calm certainty.
All though a natural and temporarily comforting reaction to a difficult situation, this state is not an answer to the challenges of the 21st century.
The 21st century meditation: “If the totality of my present experience could be reduced to a mutually inclusive mix of mind and body, and this mix was to be considered my heart, where, on a scale of ALL possible mixes of mind and body, would I be now – and what question(s) should I ask myself to find out?” Click picture to learn more about the kit and the meditation.
To accept that navigation by statistics, habits, memory, internet-information and the local instinct of the body has been rendered useless is no easy task.
Nor is the creation of a new map of reality as change and its corresponding tools of navigation.
“The system of the heart” is an attempt to create the impossible one-page-plug-and-play foundation of such a map.
We have to learn how to find ourselves and each other in chaos, if we want to heal the world.
“The system of the heart” is inspired by the the ideas presented on
Click on picture to open as pdf-fileClick picture to go to original context: 21st century meditation kit.
Introducing chaos navigation theory. Click on picture to enlarge.Makeshift online workbook with essential extracts from Click picture to download workbook.The equations for the mechanical universe, global overflow and change experience. Click picture to enlarge.Global overflow stage theory. Click picture to enlarge.Investigation of a possible interpretation of the production of local uncertainty known as “strange effects”. Click on picture to download brief.The 21 century workshop script is a good way to get into the mind of the philosopher and to discover your potential benefits of the work. Click on picture to downoad.Overview. Global overflow. The problem. The solution. The bootcamp. Transcript of five central posts on this website. Recaps, puts in perspective and applies the collected works of the 21st century philosopher. Click on picture to read.“Kaoskompasset” (“The Chaos Compass”, only in Danish) is a simple and easy to read introduction to the basic elements in Thomas Heide’s philosophy. Click here or click the picture to download the text.Textbook in spacetime mechanics. The application of Thomas Heides philosophy condensed into an academic subject and a practical skill-set: Spacetime mechanics. The book is only in Danish, but some of its core-investigations can also be found in the philosophers English texts. Click on picture to read book.“Spørg” (“Ask”) is a key work in Thomas Heide’s philosophical production. The book is a wild, yet controlled and logically driven investigative linguistic trip into the very core of human cognition leading to the central question of Thomas Heide’s position: How come we experience change as if it is standing still? Unfortunately neither the book in its totality nor any of its sections are available in English. Click on picture to read book.The genius-pamplet introduces map of the world as change and a number of related deductions with explanatory graphics. A good place to start reading Thomas Heide. Click on picture to read pamphlet.“The uncertifiable chaos pilot’s university in a book” is the manual to its corresponding philosophical object, the “chaos navigator” (see the post “philosophical objects“). The book is included in the object. Click on picture to read book.In real life “Nothing” measures only 7,5 x 7,5 centimeters. “Nothing” is Thomas Heide’s first serious attempt to present his use of the logic behind the the relationship between the linguistic properties of “nothing”, “something” and “everything”. Click on picture to read book.There are multiple entries to and applications of space time mechanics. In “The path of the lost child” the philosopher mixes spirituality and psychology in a radical analysis of the becoming of the human being. Click on picture to read book.“The source”. Autobiography. From childhood to the emergence of the final version of “the equation of change excperience”. In Danish only. Click on picture to read book.Most of the above texts (excluding “Lærebog i rumtidsmekanik) and more are included in this 1000+ pages collection of texts and pictures from the work of the philosopher. Click on picture to read book.In this version all Danish texts (750 pages) are excluded to offer non-native speakers a collected introduction the philosophy of Thomas Heide. Some of the texts are also presented as stand alone books further up on this webpage. Click on picture to read book.Draft for a theoretical foundation for the calculation of true values (infinite correspondence). In Danish only, Click on picture to read essay.“The pedagogy of the universe – or how uncertainty is observed in everyday life”. Master thesis. Defended orally. Graded A, A revised version of the thesis is included in spørg. In Danish only. Click on picture to read master-thesis.“Change experience as philosophical position”. Paper written as a part of studies for the masters degree in educational philosophy. A comparison between Thomas Heide‘s, Niels Bohr’s and Lars Henrik Schmidt’s philosophical positions validating the change experience postulate academically. Graded A (12). In Danish only.Original flow notes, uncencored. Only in Danish. Click on picture to acces notes.
Portable quantum computer to the people (the space time mechanic’s toolbox).VIDEO: Exhibition of selected objects. Click on picture to watch video.Aarhus-linealen / The Aarhus Ruler (click image to go to post)
Kwondohop: School, meditation camp and physical training in one object.
Kwondohop: School, meditation camp and physical training in one object.
Identification of both data and patterns in communication.
Identification of both data and patterns in communication.
Kwondohop exhibition.
Three Stick System.
Three Stick System.
Three Stick System.
Applied philosophical art? Wall mounted experience dna plotter. Use the tool to transform your subjective experience of reality into an objective position on the scale of change experience – or to investigate the position of others on the scale also. Click here or on picture to read unfinished introduction draft.All-in-one tool (beta/prototype); click here or on picture to read associated manual (unfinished draft!).“The school” is the virtual life-size learning space developed for seminars on global overflow and strange effects.The learning in chaos toolbox contains all the tools and a printed version of the makeshift chaos navigation theory workbook.Text attached to the inner side of the toolbox lid.Learning in chaos. The complete toolbox content for seminars on global overflow and strange effects. Click picture to learn more.21st century meditation kit. Click picture to learn more21st century meditation kit. Click picture to learn more
Map of the world as change and the system of the heart on a string: metaphysics as jewelly?A game with no rules flanked by representations of the philosophers Niels Bohr and Jimi Hendrix. Photo: Rasmus Lond.The building blocks of the universe. Photo: Rasmus Lond.Fluiditiy solidity collider.Fluidity solidity collider. Photo: Rasmus Lond.The dices of Einstein’s god. Photo: Rasmus Lond.Genius bridge.More games with no rules Photo: Rasmus Lond.Menneskebrikken/The human piece (Click picture to read pamphlet in Danish).The nothing-something-everything piece (also “the human piece”). The world’s first hand held consciousness. Photo: Rasmus Lond.Humans on a plane surface in the morning sun.Sales promotion: Handheld consciousnesses and books wrapped in cellophane. Photo: Rasmus Lond.Chaos Navigator. The Chaos Navigator contains: Chaos Compass, Chaos Activator, Super Intelligence Motivator and manual: “The uncertifiable chaospilot’s university in a book”.A universal probability calculator in pocket size. Photo: Rasmus Lond.Consciousnesses in a pile. Photo: Rasmus Lond.Det første objekt: Bevidsthed i en kasse/The first object: Consciousness in a box. Photo: Rasmus Lond.Map of the world as change, large scale exhibition installation. Photo: Rasmus Lond.Workshop edition. Map of the world as change. Five groups can work with small, handheld versions of the map before entering the equation in a full size version fitting human bodies.Map of the world as change (university seed). Folds into the footing to be planted anywhere. Map of the world as change/map of the mind as body.Map of the world as change for table discussion. Map of the world as change in multiple sizes. See the “you are a genius” pamphlet for information and for a supplementary draft for a 30 meter long outdoor installation.The peoples quantum computer. Prototype.The space time mechanic’s tool box (the people’s quantum computer finalized).Map of the world as change. Analogue version. Change experience sequencer from the slowmotion UNIVERSE toolbox.Gauge from the slowmotion UNIVERSE toolbox.
You can find texts and chord-progressions for some of the philosopher’s songs by clicking on the picture of the songbook.
In default mode songwriting is the art of expression, of communication. But the process itself can also be understood as controlling and manipulating a limited number of variables (chords, rythm, melodi, application of voice and lyrics). In the latter sense songwriting becomes the philosphers bootcamp for wrestling with, formatting and creating passing structures/sculptures from the potentiality of probability. As such songwriting is both the confirmation of and an instrument of inquiry into the most fundamental aspects of nature.
You can listen to some of the the songs (in danish) the philosopher extracted from empty inifinity right here:
Afrika’s dronning
Altid Alene
Alting ordner sig
Blæse som vinden
Der er langt til Californien
Der skal to til tango
Det Blå
Det ved jeg nu
Det vokser
Du er i mit blod
Du er så smuk
Du kan ikke vide hvad jeg tænker
Du kan møde en pige i al slags vejr
Du må aldrig gå fra mig
Du sir’ du er svag
Floden løber
Flodens stille strøm
Gå væk
Hils himlens folk
Hold nu op
Hvis du vidste
Hva’ gør man så?
Intet varer evigt
Jeg elsker dig
Kære gud
Kys mig
Længe har jeg levet
Lev stærkt, dø ung
Manden uden ansigt
Min engel
Næste gang vi mødes
Nazi fascination
Nu er det tid at skilles ad
Nu er forvirringen total
Nu går du bort
Når du sidder på bakken
Når solen går ned
Oppe på bjerget
Sløvt tog
Stumme barn
Syng den sang
Tag afsted
Ulvens unger
The philosopher writes songs as a practical meditation using a limited number of variables to express the potential abundance of probability.
The philosopher as a student of the language of the electric guitar being examined by the public.
One of the breakthroughs in my cognitive development occurred shortly after I began playing electric guitar and more specifically electric guitar solos at the age of 44 as a intentional self motivating reaction to the intellectually, creatively and emotionally numbing experience of being a student of philosophy at Aarhus University.
While teaching myself how to play, I discovered that Mr. Jimi Hendrix had invented the defining borders of a new independent universe of language with his guitar playing, hence proving it possible to gain access to positions of observation outside the known universe as language and as such providing legitimacy to my experience of being outside of space-time in this sense (see “Spørg” for in depth analysis of the language philosophy of Mr. Jimi Hendrix).
The following is a series of tunes written, performed and recorded at home by me in 2010 as a part of my attempt to find my metaphysical logic using an electric guitar as vehicle.
As an appendix to the home studio recordings I have attached two tunes in which I experiment directly with expressing myself using electric guitar solos (2016) and a live band recording (2015).
Live recording with the philosophers band Trash Blues Philosophy
The original photo released to the press promoting concerts with Trash Blues Philosophy. Click picture or below for live-concert.TRASH BLUES PHILOSOPHY (LIVE RECORDING 2015) A partly different set of my compositions performed live in Aarhus, Denmark i 2015 with Morten Wang on the drums and Jens Noergaard on bass
The angel inside me (self portrait, 2021)Before the universe broke… (Photo: Paul Clay)The intuition… (Click on picture to enlarge)The insomnia… Slowing down the universe. (Click on picture to go to game)The reintegration… (Click on picture for full résumé – in danish only)The statement… We have to leave the Newtonian universe behind and step into our primary identities as pure probability if we want to transcend the trouble we are creating for ourselves and the planet relying exclusively on the causally determined intuition of our bodies. Only then will we be in a position from which we can objectively manipulate that which is addicted to gravity. I brought the universe to a near halt to study its most basic properties and discovered that all experience can be reduced to fluctuating functions of change and standstill and that experience as such has a quantifiable DNA we can use to position ourselves and navigate as probabilities in infinite probability. Click picture to enlarge.The future-wall. Click picture to enlarge.
Finally, it must be mentioned, that this body of work does not address the omnipresent legal strange effect-issues arising from living in global overflow, concerning stereotyping intensified proportionally with uncertainty, and the problem of weighing judgement against forgiveness between fully entangled global citizens. When no one is excluded from global entanglement, the disappearance of the difference between effect and (intentional) action undermines our ability to make classical morally sustainable decisions, to decide when to forgive and when to judge and how to punish.
On page 13 in “Spørg” (“Ask”) by Thomas Heide, a brief preliminary and experimental attempt to draft the foundation for the most basic human right in a society recognising experience as a function of change and standstill is brought fourth: Since the only property or characteristic shared by all humans is the ability to experience change as standstill, all people should be granted the right and possibility to ask and answer the question “what am I as a relationship between change (that, which is not itself) and standstill (that, which is itself)?” Click text to go to “Spørg”
In global overflow we are all involved in all actions, no matter how far away the action is from our physical bodies and our identified intentions. Omnipresent global entanglement is the source of this strange effect. It is hence of the utmost importance that students of this website begin searching for a theoretical foundation for law-making in a world where it is impossible to designate blame and assign guilt or forgive due to the multiplicity and severity of the crimes in which we all, as a strange effect of global overflow, participate throughout the entirety of our lives. In an inclusive universe where the relationship between cause and effect remains undecided, we are all responsible for all crimes committed. We are, by definition and in a legal sense, all criminals and as such equal members of a tribunal of hypocrites. So: How do we build a system of laws that does not rely on the variable “intention” in conjunction with the variable “action” without invoking a general eternal amnesty for all (in the reversed interpretation global overflow removes responsibility from everyone)? Working with the strange legal consequences of global overflow does not exclude the urgent need to challenge social, cultural, environmental and economic injustice here and now in a 1-1 causal fashion, but simply adds the unavoidable and necessary long term perspective to these struggles as the universe is catapulted from determinism into probability-driven uncertainty.