Introducing chaos navigation theory. Click on picture to enlarge.Makeshift online workbook with essential extracts from Click picture to download workbook.The equations for the mechanical universe, global overflow and change experience. Click picture to enlarge.Global overflow stage theory. Click picture to enlarge.Investigation of a possible interpretation of the production of local uncertainty known as “strange effects”. Click on picture to download brief.The 21 century workshop script is a good way to get into the mind of the philosopher and to discover your potential benefits of the work. Click on picture to downoad.Overview. Global overflow. The problem. The solution. The bootcamp. Transcript of five central posts on this website. Recaps, puts in perspective and applies the collected works of the 21st century philosopher. Click on picture to read.“Kaoskompasset” (“The Chaos Compass”, only in Danish) is a simple and easy to read introduction to the basic elements in Thomas Heide’s philosophy. Click here or click the picture to download the text.Textbook in spacetime mechanics. The application of Thomas Heides philosophy condensed into an academic subject and a practical skill-set: Spacetime mechanics. The book is only in Danish, but some of its core-investigations can also be found in the philosophers English texts. Click on picture to read book.“Spørg” (“Ask”) is a key work in Thomas Heide’s philosophical production. The book is a wild, yet controlled and logically driven investigative linguistic trip into the very core of human cognition leading to the central question of Thomas Heide’s position: How come we experience change as if it is standing still? Unfortunately neither the book in its totality nor any of its sections are available in English. Click on picture to read book.The genius-pamplet introduces map of the world as change and a number of related deductions with explanatory graphics. A good place to start reading Thomas Heide. Click on picture to read pamphlet.“The uncertifiable chaos pilot’s university in a book” is the manual to its corresponding philosophical object, the “chaos navigator” (see the post “philosophical objects“). The book is included in the object. Click on picture to read book.In real life “Nothing” measures only 7,5 x 7,5 centimeters. “Nothing” is Thomas Heide’s first serious attempt to present his use of the logic behind the the relationship between the linguistic properties of “nothing”, “something” and “everything”. Click on picture to read book.There are multiple entries to and applications of space time mechanics. In “The path of the lost child” the philosopher mixes spirituality and psychology in a radical analysis of the becoming of the human being. Click on picture to read book.“The source”. Autobiography. From childhood to the emergence of the final version of “the equation of change excperience”. In Danish only. Click on picture to read book.Most of the above texts (excluding “Lærebog i rumtidsmekanik) and more are included in this 1000+ pages collection of texts and pictures from the work of the philosopher. Click on picture to read book.In this version all Danish texts (750 pages) are excluded to offer non-native speakers a collected introduction the philosophy of Thomas Heide. Some of the texts are also presented as stand alone books further up on this webpage. Click on picture to read book.Draft for a theoretical foundation for the calculation of true values (infinite correspondence). In Danish only, Click on picture to read essay.“The pedagogy of the universe – or how uncertainty is observed in everyday life”. Master thesis. Defended orally. Graded A, A revised version of the thesis is included in spørg. In Danish only. Click on picture to read master-thesis.“Change experience as philosophical position”. Paper written as a part of studies for the masters degree in educational philosophy. A comparison between Thomas Heide‘s, Niels Bohr’s and Lars Henrik Schmidt’s philosophical positions validating the change experience postulate academically. Graded A (12). In Danish only.Original flow notes, uncencored. Only in Danish. Click on picture to acces notes.