The bootcamp: Slowmotion UNIVERSE

Slowmotion UNIVERSE is a card game mimicking reality as probability. Click on picture to get access to 100 training sets.

Important note to be read and then read again when you have familiarized yourself with slowmotion UNIVERSE:

To apply slowmotion Universe as a bootcamp for understanding, entering and living in reality as probability, try always to use the equation (Y – X = Z) when looking for tricks.

The Z-values (even numbers from 2 – 38) of your tricks represent your shifting positions on the infinite scale of the equation of change experience (map of the world as change). As such the Z-values visualize in ultra-extreme slowmotion how your reality (universe) is formed as a probability path.

The probability path as experienced by unconscious instinct slowed down (sequenced) to be analyzed and controlled consciously. Click picture to enlarge.
Change experience DNA sequencer.
Playing slowmotion UNIVERSE qualifies a discussion about global overflow and reality as probability with the intention of empowering players to handle consciously and with intent local indeterminism as a part of the basic human condition in the 21st century. Click picture to enlarge.
The scale produced by slowmotion UNIVERSE is a representative interpretation designed for learning purposes. In reality, the intervals between the positions on each side of the most probable outcomes are respectively exponentially rising and falling with a reversely proportionate density/”weight”-ratio equilibration (if there where only one position, P1/P2, in each extreme, the exponentialized system would be balanced). Since humans are bodies first depending on a stable tangible context, the most probable outcome will be dense and “heavy” (mirroring the bodies interpretational capacity) and close to the event horizon of standstill/everything. When transferring data from Slowmotion Universe to map of the world as change, this should be taken into account. When inputting data directly into map of the world of change, this should be implicit and not affect the plotting. The number-graphics on the illustration does not reflect exponentiality 1:1. Click picture to enlarge.
Gauge to be used to understand the scale and to identify positions and tricks.
The full slowmotion UNIVERSE toolbox: Change experience DNA Sequencer, fluidity solidity collider, map of the world as change, scale and trick gauge and the card game itself in a box.

And now: Let’s play!

A game package contains 250 cards:

1 card with general information

9 game rule- and probability field cards

240 playing cards.

To purchase games, get support or book workshops, please write to:

A game package contains 250 cards in total.

Game rules:

Players must have minimum skills in subtraction (and/or addition of positive integers). The highest number is 39 and the highest possible result is 38. The lowest number is 1 and the lowest possible result is 2.

Number of players: 2+.

Playtime: 10+ minutes.

Shuffle cards thoroughly before each game and secure random horizontal and vertical positions so that all players, independent of position in relation to cards, experience equal readability of the cards. When shuffling, take into account, that high value Z-cards will have a statistically determined tendency to end in the bottom of the card stacks in a game.

Choose a dealer. The dealer places 16 cards (default amount – modify as you please) face up in a spacey square on a level surface. When playing in small groups, the dealer should participate. When playing in larger groups a designated dealer is an option.

Players identify and cash in tricks by saying ”trick” first. Tricks are placed face down. A trick is a combination of three cards meeting the following equations:

(Y – X = Z),

(Y – Z = X) and

(X + Z = Y).

Three tricks illustrated – but maybe there are …1…2…3… tricks still hiding. Or more? And which trick is the most valuable?

When ever a trick is cashed in the dealer fills up the empty spots. If no tricks are available or visible to any of the players, 16 new cards are placed face up on top of the cards all ready on the level surface. The dealer can always decide to take this action. If the dealer runs out of cards, the open card-stacks on the level surface are collected, shuffled and re-used.

If a player falsely states ”trick”, the player’s latest trick must be re-entered into the dealers card stack.

The winner is the player with the most points when a player cashes in 10 tricks in total (default mode) as the first. Playing time can be reduced by minimizing the number of tricks required to end the game.

(Be aware 9 and 6 are not marked and must be identified by card type: 6 is an even number on a Z-card and that 9 is an uneven number on a X-card)

Points are given according to the following rules:

Z2…Z6, Z34…Z38 = 5 points,

Z8…Z12, Z28…Z32 = 3 points and

Z14…Z26 = 2 points.

Points given are multiplied according to the color-code mixes of the numbers on the face of the cards in a trick:

2 + 1 color x 1

3 colors x 2 and

1 color x 3.

The Z-result of a trick decides the point-value of the trick according to the probability of the Z-value occurring in the trick. The points of a trick is multiplied according to the probability of the 3 different color-code mixes available: 2+1 color, 3 different colors or 1 color.

Slowmotion UNIVERSE can be played on four different levels:

Level 1 (easy): Tricks. The winner is the first player to get 10 (or any other number of) tricks.

Level 2 (medium): Tricks and points: The winner is the first player to get 10 (or any other number of) tricks and the most points according to the point-value of Z-cards only.

Level 3 (advanced): Default play mode. As in the game rules starting on the top of the page. Note that the potential of point-value awareness increases with the number of cards on the table. Try experimenting with a 5 x 5 or 6 x 6 cards lay-out to make the point-system work its magic.

Solo Meditation Level: Play alone. Relax and enjoy identifying potentiality and controlling the speed of the temporary outcomes of the probability-field while simoultaneously expanding your consciousness according to the fundamental principle of your ability to experience as it unfolds in a tempo defined by you.

Probability level: Play to get as close as possible to predefined paths of probability mirroring specific or non-specific real-life events. Play against each other or together.

Slowmotion UNIVERSE is the gamified expression of the functionality of the probability-driven universe reduced to mixes of its two basic elements, change (X≠X) and standstill (X=X), slowed down to a near halt to meet the capacity of the human everyday mind:

The source of slowmotion UNIVERSE.

Slowmotion UNIVERSE was created by Danish philosopher (BA), educational philosopher (MA) and philosophical toolmaker Thomas Heide as an attempted commonly accessible response to the question: How come we experience that which changes as if it is there? As such, the game summarizes and makes available to layman the conclusions of the philosopher’s creative metaphysical investigations and designs as presented on

Slowmotion UNIVERSE is the tip of a rather large iceberg comprised of the philosopher’s creative metaphysical investigations and designs.

The early game-designs that eventually lead to slowmotion UNIVERSE:

School of Philosophy” is a board game concept based on the equation of change experience. The game can be printed and played. Click here or on the pictures to download manual including game pieces.
Quantum Mechanic” is a board game concept based on the equation of change experience. The object was produced as unika in plywood, but is infortunately temporarily lost. Click on the picture to download design draft used to create the vector graphis for the lasercutter. Note that the webadress in the design draft is not active.
“Ice – Water – Fire”. Stick game based on the equation of change experience. Rough outline of gameplay: The three stick-dice are thrown to determine wich direction your life-piece (LIV 1-5) must take one step. 2-1 decides wether the direction is toward fire or ice. If the dice are all either ice or water, you can turn the event-horizons of respectively fire and water or move two steps in a direction of your own choice. When you collide with an event-horizon you loose. The last LIV in water wins. Rules can at all times be adjusted and developed by the players.
Og som spil uden regler - foto af Rasmus Lond
A game with no rules…