One of the breakthroughs in my cognitive development occurred shortly after I began playing electric guitar and more specifically electric guitar solos at the age of 44 as a intentional self motivating reaction to the intellectually, creatively and emotionally numbing experience of being a student of philosophy at Aarhus University.
While teaching myself how to play, I discovered that Mr. Jimi Hendrix had invented the defining borders of a new independent universe of language with his guitar playing, hence proving it possible to gain access to positions of observation outside the known universe as language and as such providing legitimacy to my experience of being outside of space-time in this sense (see “Spørg” for in depth analysis of the language philosophy of Mr. Jimi Hendrix).
The following is a series of tunes written, performed and recorded at home by me in 2010 as a part of my attempt to find my metaphysical logic using an electric guitar as vehicle.
As an appendix to the home studio recordings I have attached two tunes in which I experiment directly with expressing myself using electric guitar solos (2016) and a live band recording (2015).
Live recording with the philosophers band Trash Blues Philosophy

A partly different set of my compositions performed live in Aarhus, Denmark i 2015 with Morten Wang on the drums and Jens Noergaard on bass